The Global Coronavirus Pandemic is causing governments to restrict people's movements and imposes social distancing. Quest for Knowledge is committed to minimizing the effects of the virus to keep our employees, customers, and partners safe and sound, and our operations running. As a precaution, we have implemented measures aligned with the recommendations given by recognized health authorities e.g. the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as relevant local health authorities.
If circumstances such as country-specific movement restrictions and international travel restrictions prevent us from running a planned classroom course as a physical event at the advertised venue, then we will run the class virtual live using a virtual training platform. This will allow students to remain at their home or office location, log in and attend a virtual live class where the instructor will present the course slides, and will receive and answer questions via our virtual classroom training platform.
The content will be exactly the same as in a traditional classroom because no virus can stop us from developing skills and enhancing our knowledge.
This pandemic is not forever, make sure you’re armed with the best possible skills when demand will pick up.
Make the best of the situation and above all: stay healthy!